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Security Operations Center (SOC)?

Updated: Feb 22, 2023


The role of the security operations center (SOC) is to closely monitor, prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to cyber-attacks. SOC teams keep an eye on and safeguard the company's assets, including its intellectual property, customer information, business processes, and reputation. The SOC team executes the company's overall cybersecurity strategy and serves as the focal point for coordinated efforts to track, evaluate, and thwart assaults.

Searching for unusual activity that might be a sign of a security incident or compromise, security operations centers monitor and analyze activity on networks, servers, endpoints, databases, apps, websites, and other systems. The SOC is in charge of making sure that potential security issues are accurately recognized, assessed, countered, looked into, and reported.

The goal of SOCs is to increase threat detection and lessen the possibility of security breaches. These teams identify and isolate unusual activity across a range of platforms, including endpoints, servers, networks, and databases. The SOC team recognizes security concerns, looks into them, and responds to incidents as they happen using monitoring data and tools.

The Advantages of a Security Operations Centre

By continuously monitoring and analyzing data activity, a security operations center can increase the identification of security incidents. SOC teams are essential to ensuring the prompt discovery and response to security issues by continuously monitoring this activity throughout an organization's networks, endpoints, servers, and databases. Organizations benefit from being able to fight against incidents and incursions regardless of the source, the hour of the day, or the type of attack because of a SOC's round-the-clock monitoring. According to Verizon's annual Data Breach Investigations Report, there is a significant lag between attackers' time to compromise and companies' time to discover. Having a security operations center enables businesses to close this lag and keep up with the risks posed to their environments.

The main advantage of establishing a security operations center is the enhancement of security incident detection through ongoing monitoring and analysis of data activities. SOC teams play a key role in ensuring the prompt discovery and response to security issues by continuously monitoring this activity throughout an organization's networks, endpoints, servers, and databases. Organizations have an advantage when defending against incidents and incursions because of the SOC's round-the-clock monitoring, which can be used to monitor attacks from any source, at any time. According to Verizon's annual Data Breach Investigations Report, there is a significant lag between the time it takes an attacker to compromise a system and the time it takes an enterprise to notice a breach. Having a security operations center enables businesses to close this lag and stay on top of the threats that are facing their environments.

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